Universal IE Day – Romanian Traditional Shirt 2024 and The Romanian Cinema Days 2024

On the occasion of the Universal IE Day – Romanian Traditional Shirt 2024 the Embassy of Romania in Italy in partnership with the National Village Museum “Dimitrie Gusti of Bucharest”, the Museum of Civilizations of Rome and the Academy of Romania in Rome and with the patronage of the Presidency of the Culture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament, it will organize a series of events.

Rome International will be the media partner of the events which will take place in various sites chosen to give prominence and space to the proposed activities. Below is the program of initiatives:

  • The presentation of the exhibition “ROMANIA-ITALY: The art of embroidery and ceramics, heritage of humanity” at the Hall of Honor of the Museum of Civilizations in Rome, an exhibition that will present traditional clothing and ceramics from Romania but also from Italy in an intercultural dialogue between the two countries. Exhibition period June 18 – July 14, 2024. Exhibition opening on June 17;
  • The conference “ROMANIA-ITALY: The art of embroidery and ceramics, a heritage of humanity” dedicated to the art of embroidery and ceramics in the two countries, a conference organized as part of the exhibition, in the conference room of the Museum of Civilizations , on June 19;
  • Interactive embroidery lesson for children organized by the Museum of Civilizations of Rome as part of the exhibition on a date to be defined.

UNDER THE STARS OF ROMANIAN CINEMA. THE ROMANIAN CINEMA DAYS 2024. In the period 5-7 July 2024, at the Casa del Cinema in Rome, a new edition of the Rome Film Days will take place which will present 5 feature films by Romanian directors: Libertà by Tudor Giurgiu (2023); Gente perbene by Paul Negoescu (2023) – winner of the Audience Award at FRANCOFILM 2024; A Snagov by Cristian Comeaga (2024); The Dream by Catalin Saizescu (2023) and War Boy by Marian Crisan (2023). Some of the films are still to be confirmed, however at this moment these will be the films that we will present in the new edition of the film festival

The initiatives are open to the public