San Lorenzo Cinema con Sapienza

From 5 to 14 July Sapienza will host the second edition of the “San Lorenzo Cinema con Sapienza” film festival, an open-air cinema arena, set up in the university city, near the entrance to Piazzale Aldo Moro.

The university community and the citizens of Rome will be able to enjoy 10 evenings of free access screenings, with a program that also includes films from the previous season, from Civil War by Alex Garland (2024) to Io Capitano by Matteo Garrone.

Each screening will be introduced by professionals and notable guests, who will provide interpretations and food for thought aimed at stimulating dialogue with the public.

The selection of the proposed films, curated by a team of cinema history experts from the Department of History, Anthropology, Religions, Art and Entertainment, follows two fundamental thematic nuclei: that of peace, human rights and democracy, and that of sustainability and responsible progress.

“The second edition of ‘San Lorenzo Cinema con Sapienza’ aims to further strengthen the link between University and territory, promoting culture and knowledge as tools for growth and social cohesion, through the use of a tool that has always created aggregation and reasoning, comparison and sociality. We also wanted to enhance the space of the arena as an opportunity for reflection on some major issues of our time – explains the Rector Antonella Polimeni – With its ability to immediately convey the complexity of the present, the language of cinema offers each of us the possibility of developing awareness and authentic participation with respect to topics that in public discourse often appear distant, difficult to decipher.

We are convinced that, alongside its research and training work, the university must contribute to building dialogue and spreading values ​​of peace and solidarity. And it is in this sense that – with great determination – Sapienza is also working towards the Third and Fourth Missions and Public Engagement”.