The Ottomans and the Mediterranean past: narratives, legacy, heritage
As part of the 7th edition of the Lectures méditerranéennes 2023 of the École française de Rome. The cycle of four conferences organized by the École française de Rome in partnership with the French Embassy in Italy, the Institut français Italia, the National Roman Museum, the French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici and the Institut français Center Saint-Louis.
The first two conferences will deal with similar topics, will be considered merged into the program and will take place on 17 and 24 January, while the other two will be scheduled for 19 April and 2 May. Click HERE for the complete program.
The conferences will be held in French, with simultaneous translation into Italian.
Compulsory registration for the conference at Palazzo Farnese on 17 January 2023 (online form).
Free admission within the limit of places available for other conferences. Reservations are recommended using the online forms, which will be published on this site.