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Home Events Meetings Meeting “Energy Strategies, Africa, NATO and security of energy supplies”

Meeting “Energy Strategies, Africa, NATO and security of energy supplies”

The NATO Defense College Foundation has promoted a discussion on "Energy Strategies, Africa, NATO and security of energy supplies", which will be held on Tuesday 16 April, from 2.30 pm to 7.15 pm in the Visconti Room of the Hotel Le Méridien Visconti, in via Federico Cesi, 37.

Bringing together 18 international specialists, the conference will discuss: energy diversification in Africa; the possible AU-NATO collaboration; the challenge of market integration. It is an advanced research laboratory organized by the NATO Defense College Foundation in cooperation with the NATO Scientific Program for Peace and Security, the Policy Center for the New South, the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, the NATO Defense College and the Middle East Institute Switzerland.

The conference will be entirely in English.
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16 Apr 2024


2:30 pm - 7:15 pm


Hotel Le Méridien Visconti
Sala Visconti


NATO Defense College Foundation