A manifesto for a new economy in Perugia

A new manifesto for a new vision of the economy will be presented in Perugia on 20 and 21 June. A new way of thinking about the global economy, no longer anchored to the old styles now considered obsolete by many economists who, led by Professors Leonardo Becchetti and Carmine Soprano of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, will meet with other international personalities and economists, including Jeffrey Sachs.

5 principles that are an invitation to go beyond the limits of old-style economics, which empirical results often show are no longer adequate to address the complexity of today’s global challenges:

Beyond homo economicus, recognizing that prosperity requires the resolution of social dilemmas that require cooperation, thus underlining the value of social relationships;

Beyond shareholder-only companies, promoting forms of business organization that go beyond profit and focus on the deepest social needs (e.g. through impact investing, social entrepreneurship and the like);

Beyond GDP, relying on happiness data, well-being indicators and other metrics that enable a more holistic measurement of our socioeconomic prosperity;

Beyond the divide between government and individual, promoting active and responsible citizenship as a bottom-up approach to addressing market failures;

Beyond specialized silos and towards interdisciplinarity, strengthening connections between research streams and options for policy reform and disseminating our findings to wider society.

It will be possible to join with your signature by clicking HERE

To participate in the meeting which will be held on 20 and 21 June in Perugia, register by clicking HERE