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Home Events Concerts Death Speaks in Palimpsests and Cuartetango

Death Speaks in Palimpsests and Cuartetango

Saturday 22 June The Philharmonic Gardens open the day with the concert in collaboration with the American Academy in Rome, entitled Death Speaks in Palimpsests (Sala Casella, 8 pm), featuring the Extended Music Collective from Belgium and some musicians Americans and Italians (Luca Sanzò and Carlotta Libonati violas, Severine Ballon cello). The concert will be an in-depth analysis of the musical writing of two associated composers of the American Academy of Rome. Baldwin Giang (2024 Fellow, who we also find as a pianist) and David Lang (1991 Fellow, 2017 Resident) belong to two different generations: Giang, born in Philadelphia in 1992, among the new generations of American music, Lang, born in Los Angeles 1957, with a consolidated artistic path, Pulitzer Prize in 2008.

Exploring the relationship between death, love and memory, the concert features the Italian premiere of two works by Giant, san clemente syndrome which is inspired by the lighting and architecture of the Roman basilica of San Clemente, and on the theme of ‘ever thine love that meditates on the last lines of Beethoven’s famous letter “To the Immortal Beloved”. A new arrangement of Lang’s Death Speaks will also be presented in its Italian premiere, a song cycle that uses texts on the theme of death from Schubert’s Lieder.

The homage to Argentina passes through the formation Cuartetango (9.30 pm Giardini), a meeting of Argentine and Italian artists, interpreters of the music of Astor Piazzolla and other musicians who have marked the history of tango, such as Carlos Gardel, Juan de Dios Filiberto , Atilio Stampone, Aníbal Troilo and many others.  To embellish the evening, also on stage were the two tangoers Leonardo and Cristina Elias, the former originally from the same city of Piazzolla, Mar del Plata, where he began studying tango at 17 years old. The concert is organized in collaboration with the Argentine Embassy.

Born in 1995, Cuartetango is formed by Raul Dousset (flute), Giuliano Bisceglia (violin), Luis Gabriel Chami (piano) and Giordano Brozzi bandoneón. The formation had the honor of receiving from Daniel Piazzolla, Astor’s son, his father’s autograph arrangements and scores for a more faithful interpretation of the music of the great Argentine artist, also recorded in the CD Cuartetango interpreta Astor Piazzolla. Over the years it has become a reference formation for the tango genre and is a guest of institutions and festivals all over the world.

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22 Jun 2024


8:00 pm


Sala Casella
Via Flaminia 118


Accademia Filarmonica Romana

Other Organizers

Ambasciata della Repubblica di Argentina
American Academy in Rome